Just three words-three very powerful words.
I don't know about you, but sometimes I don't feel like I'm enough. There are times when I feel like I'm not a good wife, or a good daughter and there are so many times I feel I am not a good enough mom (especially on those days where my son almost falls off my bed head first while he's playing, or he smashes his finger in my lazy susan-while he's playing, or he chokes on a piece of chip because I let him have too big of a piece, or i accidentally leave a sharp knife on the living room floor for him to find because I was working while he was napping and forgot to put it away!!)! Worst of all, I know I'm a good enough Christian. I don't feel worthy of God's love. I don't feel like I'm enough.
Yesterday as I was doing my devotions I read Ephesians 3:16-19 and I just felt like God wanted me to know that I am loved even when I don't feel that I'm enough, I am. It was exactly what I needed yesterday.
"If you were to experience that [God's love] now, you would be overwhelmed to the point of feeling crushed. But you have an eternity ahead of you, absolutely guaranteed, during which you can enjoy My Presence in unrestricted ecstasy. For now, the knowledge of My loving Presence is sufficient to carry you through each day" (from my devotional, Jesus Calling)
Often times my husband and I will just sit and play with our son together and we get so overwhelmed with our love for him. We talk about how cute he is and how sweet his laugh is. Everything he does is so cute! Every. Single. Thing. Sometimes I feel like my heart is just gonna burst because it's so full! That's how God feels about us!! Wow! What an amazing thought! :)
This isn't something that I would normally blog about but I felt like God was nudging me to write it. I hope that it will be of help to someone who is feeling overwhelmed today. Whether it be with relationships, motherhood, your marriage-YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are loved by your Creator.